Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Dalex presents : Vetal from Kiyv, Ukraine. Short :this text decribes history of Vetalms mod-composing . Also contains some information from Dalex. Who is Vetal? Vetal is ukrainian mod-composer .He is my brother. Now he is in army so temporaly he is unaccessible for your e-message . But if you have some criticism (or somethingelse :- ) ) you can drop it on my e-mail (see below). Short from Dalex. Vetal starts composing 1999 but all his mods (excl. 2 disks) was lost about 11.2000 when HD was crashed. Almost all his music was writted in Octamed SoundStudio format . As you can hear remixes sounds better than original tunes How contact to ? You can TRY to link with him via me - drop your message on my e-adress with note "for Vetal". Not waiting fast answer - but it all what i can to propose . If you wanna contact with me (Dalex), theme of your message may be various-mod-writing , weather , news about Amiga, < Amiga rulez>, jokes and others. Languages-english, deutch, russian, ukrainian . Please not waiting fast answer because I have no Inet access and must use this ugly machines (I mean PC computers what"s else?). Dalexps E-mail : (cases typed only for your memorising and understanding). Do you not tired reading this text? Now I have tell you what you can earch in Aminet from me. At first this is of course Dreamers mods - professional quality and good tunes . At second some mods writted by my brother Vetal-it it not so good as Dreamer but may made you some funny -beginners category. At third I try making some remixes on popular good Amiga mods . Search Dalex's mods. Postscriptum. All of this mods are freeware(of course), but if you : -like a Dreamer/Vetal/Dalex music; -want to support talentedmod-composers; -want to having all this music immediatly via E-mail you can make a donation -simply write to me letter and get inside the letter some money-please cash only and in american dollars (how much it will be-it is your choice but please not less $5 because for sending to you data I must to hire PC computers but data size is big) I dont know how right is writing adress in international standarts but I try to write for you something like it but if you have any doubt and know russian I include in distributed archive picture where my adress described in russian. Dubelevskij Alexander Appartaments #201 Svobody street house #3 04108 Kiyu Ukraine